General Practitioner
I am originally from China and moved to New Zealand in 2006. I obtained my PhD degree in Molecular Pathology at University of Auckland in 2012. I have been working in various specialties at different Hospitals since 2013, including working as an Obstetrics & Gynecology registrar at Waikato Hospital for two years, before working at Tui Medical since Jan 2019. I enjoy working at our GP practice and I enjoy the close relationship I form with my patients. Outside work, I enjoy swimming, basketball and reading.
我叫汪立, 来自中国西安, 我毕业于西安交通大学医学院(原西安医科大学)临床医学系, 先后获得北大医学院分子免疫学硕士和新西兰奥克兰大学分子病理学博士学位。 我从2013年开始在新西兰公立医院工作直到2019年年初, 我做过不同的科室其中包括Waikato Hospital妇产科主治医生 (registrar)两年。 我现在在Tui Medical做家庭医生和急诊医生 (urgent care), 欢迎大家光顾我们的诊所。
Languages Spoken:
BackEnglish, Mandarin